100 Sentences of Simple Present Tense in Hindi

100 Sentences of Simple Present Tense in Hindi

Learning grammar can sometimes feel like a daunting task, but when it comes to understanding the simple present tense in Hindi, it’s actually pretty straightforward! This blog post will guide you through 100 examples of simple present tense sentences in Hindi, complete with English translations. By the end, you’ll not only understand this essential grammar concept but also feel more confident using it in your daily life.

What Is Simple Present Tense in Hindi?

The simple present tense is used to describe actions that happen regularly, general truths, or habits. In Hindi, it’s similar to English but has its own unique structure.

For example:

  • मैं स्कूल जाता हूँ।
    (I go to school.)

It’s that simple! Let’s dive into some examples to make this clearer.

Structure of Simple Present Tense in Hindi

Before we jump into the 100 sentences, here’s a quick overview of how simple present tense works in Hindi:

  1. For Singular Subjects (He/She/It): Add “ता है,” “ती है,” or “ता है” based on gender.
    Example: वह खेलता है। (He plays.)
  2. For Plural Subjects (They/We): Use “ते हैं.”
    Example: वे पढ़ते हैं। (They read.)
  3. For “I” (मैं): Use “ता हूँ” or “ती हूँ.”
    Example: मैं गाता हूँ। (I sing.)
  4. For Habits/Truths: The same structure applies.
    Example: सूरज पूरब में निकलता है। (The sun rises in the east.)

Now, let’s move on to the list of sentences!

100 Sentences of Simple Present Tense in Hindi

Daily Activities

  1. मैं सुबह जल्दी उठता हूँ। (I wake up early in the morning.)
  2. वह स्कूल जाती है। (She goes to school.)
  3. हम हर दिन योग करते हैं। (We do yoga every day.)
  4. बच्चा दूध पीता है। (The child drinks milk.)
  5. वह गाना गाता है। (He sings a song.)

General Truths

  1. पानी उबलता है। (Water boils.)
  2. पृथ्वी सूरज के चारों ओर घूमती है। (The Earth revolves around the Sun.)
  3. सर्दी में ठंड होती है। (It is cold in winter.)
  4. आग गर्मी देती है। (Fire gives heat.)
  5. बिल्लियाँ दूध पसंद करती हैं। (Cats like milk.)

Work and Routine

  1. मैं ऑफिस जाता हूँ। (I go to the office.)
  2. वह हर दिन पढ़ाई करती है। (She studies every day.)
  3. हम देर रात तक काम करते हैं। (We work late at night.)
  4. वे हर रविवार को क्रिकेट खेलते हैं। (They play cricket every Sunday.)
  5. वह बाजार जाता है। (He goes to the market.)


  1. मैं अपने माता-पिता से प्यार करता हूँ। (I love my parents.)
  2. वह अपने दोस्तों के साथ समय बिताती है। (She spends time with her friends.)
  3. हम एक-दूसरे की मदद करते हैं। (We help each other.)
  4. वह अपने भाई से झगड़ता है। (He fights with his brother.)
  5. बच्चे अपने दादा-दादी से कहानियाँ सुनते हैं। (Children listen to stories from their grandparents.)


  1. मैं किताबें पढ़ता हूँ। (I read books.)
  2. वह पेंटिंग करती है। (She paints.)
  3. हम गिटार बजाते हैं। (We play the guitar.)
  4. वे मछली पकड़ने जाते हैं। (They go fishing.)
  5. वह कविताएँ लिखता है। (He writes poems.)

Food and Eating

  1. मैं चाय पीता हूँ। (I drink tea.)
  2. वह खाना बनाती है। (She cooks food.)
  3. हम सब्जियाँ खरीदते हैं। (We buy vegetables.)
  4. बच्चे मिठाई खाते हैं। (Children eat sweets.)
  5. वह आम खाता है। (He eats mangoes.)

Why Practice Simple Present Tense in Hindi?

Learning these sentences helps you:

  • Speak fluently: Simple present tense is used frequently in everyday conversations.
  • Understand grammar naturally: You’ll grasp sentence structure without overthinking.
  • Connect better: Knowing this tense allows you to communicate clearly with native speakers.


The simple present tense in Hindi is easy to learn with practice. By using these 100 sentences as your guide, you’ll improve your grammar and feel more confident in your conversations. Whether you’re a student or just love learning languages, mastering this tense will open new doors for you.

FAQs About Simple Present Tense in Hindi

1. What is the simple present tense used for in Hindi?

It’s used to describe habits, daily routines, general truths, and repeated actions.

2. How can I practice these sentences?

Start by speaking them aloud, writing them down, and using them in everyday conversations.

3. Is the structure of simple present tense in Hindi similar to English?

Yes, but it changes based on gender and singular/plural subjects.

4. Can these sentences help me in exams?

Absolutely! These examples are commonly tested in grammar exams for students.

5. What’s the best way to remember these sentences?

Repetition is key. Create flashcards or try using these sentences in real-life scenarios.


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